Even if your not Mexican its okay to sport the Nike Cortez. These kicks have gone full circle. Starting off as a training shoe for track athletes in the 70's then transforming into a symbol for cholos in the 1980's, but once George from Sienfeld started wearing them that pretty much blew the door open for anybody to sport the kicks. Don't fool yourself, these are tough to pull off, my suggestion, only purchase if your an Ese, surfer, or Brad Pit. It's a tough look to sport, but its worth a shot for under 60 bucks.
Been wearing them since I was 13 Im from Hollywood Cal. an old chola who also surfed with some Venice 13 homies way back. Here is a little fact for you Oceanias are bad ass too those are Cortez for women. I wear both. BUT DID YOU KNOW THE RESALE VALUE IS MUCH HIGHER THAN STORE VALUE? Yeah free shoes basically because we break them in for the hipsters that pay more for ones we were done with anyway we get knew ones and still have money for BIG ASS HOOP EARRINGS LOL ... In a nut shell they pay us for breaking them in! go check it out on ebay and BTW there are pairs from $10 -$3,000 American dollars!